トップページ(top page)中生代白亜紀後期の世界(The world of Late Cretaceous)

中生代・白亜紀後期の世界  ( Late Cretaceous)
9900万〜6500万年前 (99 million years〜65 million years ago)
アジア/ ヨーロッパ/ アフリカ/ 北アメリカ/ 南アメリカ/ オーストラリア/ 海域
(The former age) 前の時代へ← →次の時代へ (The next age)
  世界の様子 Environment
温暖な気候で、海の水準は高く、中生代を通して酸素が増えていった。 かつてひと塊だった超大陸は、
七大陸にはっきりと分裂しており、 多様な生物が各大陸に現れた。

The Late Cretaceous was a period with warm climate and high eustatic sea level.
And oxygen became abundant through the Mesozoic Era.
A single supercontinent separated into seven continents and
a wide variety of plants and animals appeared on each continents.

  生物 Life


The reptiles flourished in the high temperature to help hatching eggs
and the dinosaurs dominated.
Birds (Aves) first appeared during this period.
During this time, Mammals also flourished and
Placental mammals first appeared during this period.
Angiosperms that came to flower flourished with insects.
Ichthyosaurs became extinct in the sea and Plesiosauria also died out with
dinosaurs at the K-T extinction event, 65 million years ago.

  白亜紀( K-T境界)の大量絶滅
Cretaceous–Tertiary (K–T boundary) extinction event


It's generally understood that a large meteorite fell on the coast of Mexico
and rapid climate change caused mass extinction 65 million years ago.
It is said that 70% of all species, such as the dinosaurs and ammonites, wiped out in this extinction.
The K-T extinction is best known as the dinosaur extinction
but it was the smallest extinction in the five major mass
extinctions over the last 500 million years, called the Big Five.

  関連ブログ記事>>> 「竜を滅ぼし破壊神シヴァ」

古生代 エディアカラ紀 カンブリア紀 オルドビス紀 シルル紀 デボン紀 石炭紀 ペルム紀
中生代 三畳紀前期 三畳紀後期 ジュラ紀前期 ジュラ紀後期 白亜紀前期 白亜紀後期
新生代 古第三紀 新第三紀 第四紀
現在 現在
未来 500万年後 5000万年後 1億年後 2億年後

トップページ(top page)中生代・白亜紀後期の世界(The world of Late Cretaceous)